
Speaking light language is a lovely way to enhance the magic in your life as well as deepen your dialogue with various forms of the Divine. In this 4-week Level Two certification class, I will activate the light language of several beautiful beings that are supporting you at this time as well as awaken Diamond SOULar Light Healing within you so you can incorporate it as a modality to use with others. 

Week 1: Dragons & Unicorns, and Healing Others: Learn about these beautiful elemental beings and why it is such a blessing to receive their divine assistance. Open to receive a channeled transmission of their healing energy and an activation to begin speaking their light language. Also learn how to use Diamond SOULar Light Healing as a modality with clients. Homeplay: Find your Unicorn and your Dragon and work with them throughout the week. Practice Diamond SOULar Light Healing on at least one person.

Week 2: Galactic Family: Discover which galactic family you currently have the greatest heart-alignment with and receive an activation to speak their light language. The Love Star will offer a channeled message about why alignment with your galactic family at this time can be so helpful and how it can offer greater compassion for yourself. Homeplay: Practice speaking light language with your Galactic family. Practice Diamond SOULar Light Healing on at least one person.

Week 3: The Sun: Connect with the divine energies of Helios and Vesta as they support and offer guidance during your ascension process. Receive a channeled message from them and an activation to speak their light language. They are grateful to have this opportunity to connect with you and to offer you whatever is next on your journey of bioluminescence. Homeplay: Embody divine solar energy through light language and take notes on your experience. Practice Diamond SOULar Light Healing on at least one person.

Week 4: LightPlay: Communicate with classmates using all forms of light language learned during this class and experiment with dancing, writing, and or drawing these new types of light language. Mother Mary will channel a transmission of love and guidance about how light language offers a powerful step into sovereignty and you will receive a certification for Diamond SOULar Light healing.

Prerequesite: Light Language & Archangel Toning: Level 1


Dear Chernise, thank you for the light language courses! I found it to be exciting and an excellent place to explore this gift with Spirit. Very grateful for these two 4-week classes as they provided me with more confidence in the multiple layered vibrations that we are able to access with help from you, as well as the Ascended Masters and Archangels, Dragons, Fairies and more. With light and love,

Julie W ☀️

Hi Chernise! In an in-person Reiki session with a client (who is an acupuncturist) yesterday, I shared some of my light language and angelic toning. The client's late grandmother encouraged me to share the light language during the session. After the session, my client shared that she speaks my same light language (not realizing it was light language)!!! After this session, I'm going to use light language in my Reiki sessions for clients that are open to it. Thank YOU so much for holding space for me and guiding me on this ascension journey. Much love and gratitude 💖💖💖

Heather G.

I’ve been using Light Language in sessions with some of my clients and gotten feedback about how unexpectedly powerful of an experience it was for them. It makes my heart sing every single time. I feel so humbled to have people who trust me to hold space for them in such a sacred way. I also want to give thanks to my teacher @chernisespruell who helped me open up to my gifts that were waiting to be accessed.🥰✨

Alycia S.

*BONUS: Complimentary Participation in Light Language Play Dates

These are a great way to stay in the practice of using your light language and angelic toning after they have been activated.

These online gatherings happen every other month and in our 60 minutes together, you will:

  • Get to play with your divine gifts of speaking light language, channeling archangel tones, or writing/drawing light language in small groups
  • Increase your light language community by meeting other students from previous classes
  • Contribute to, and benefit from, the high vibration, love-based energy that is present when so many beautiful beings share their light language and angelic toning with each other!

*You have free access to the Light Language Play Dates for as long as they are being held.



I am a Channeling Coach, a Light Language Coach and a channeler of Archangels & Ascended Masters.

I am passionate about helping you step into the sovereign role of co-creating your world from your high-heart and in partnership with the Divine.

I started spontaneously channeling archangels & Ascended Masters about 12 years ago and light language & archangel toning about 10 years ago.

I deeply appreciated my connection with the Archangels but I had no idea how special, loving and sacred the connection with my soul would begin to feel as a result of speaking light language.

It would be a delight to support you on this journey and serve as your jumping-off point for a deeper dive into your Self!


I am currently in the process of adapting this course so you are able to experience Light Language & Archangel Toning: Level 2 even when I’m not teaching the live class (which I will teach once a year.)

How this will work:

  1. You purchase the specially formatted self-study version of Light Language & Archangel Toning: Level 2.
  2. You listen to each week’s modules at your own pace.
  3. Then, whenever I teach the live version of this class, which I will do once a year, you will be able to participate in it at no additional charge.

Why you benefit from this:

  1. Participating in the live class offers a wonderful opportunity to ask questions and receive clarity about any part of this process.
  2. You will benefit personally from the healing energy of experiencing the light language and angelic toning of other members of the class.
  3. There’s always a special alchemy that happens when like-hearted people come together ;)

When this will be available:

  1. I have started the process of adapting this course and intend to have it completed and available near the end of October 2024.
  2. If you join the waitlist by clicking the WAITLIST BUTTON below, I will send you an email when the self-study version of this course is available for purchase.
  3. As a result of joining this waitlist you will receive a 10% discount on the total cost of $222.

Join the Waitlist to find out when the Self-Study Version of this Class is Available & to Receive a 10% Discount!